Best Motivational Books

 Motivational/ inspirational Books

This Books will open your mind and give you insights on how to live a successful life and be competent in the world

Whenever you feel low and discouraged, they will definitely motivate you to strive harder, they have a psychological effect that triggers the mind to achieve more and more.

With this, you should never feel helpless

| Each book might cost you sh 40 - sh 80. |
- NB; when you purchase a book, you'll have it for the rest of your lifetime

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100 ways to motivate yourself

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Click here to share on What's appπŸ“±πŸ₯πŸ“² or click (the view more button) to view the book contents and purchase ⏬ download a 100 ways to motivate yourself book

The book will teach you 100 effective psychological ways of making yourself feel energetic,

it awakens your inner Einstein by storming your Brain with Brainy methods to make you productive, try it out now .

Author; Steve C

pages; 151

Mode; Soft copy for lifetime reading

Cost; sh 70 only

category; motivation

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The Seven ways of Highly effective people

download the 7 habits of effective people book

This book is filled with practical wisdom for people who want to take control of their lives, their business and their careers. Each time I read a section again I get new insights, which suggests the messages are fundamental and deep.

Author; Stephen R.C

pages; 173

Mode; Soft copy for lifetime reading

Cost; sh 75 only

category; motivation

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7 Money Rules for life

download a 100 ways to motivate yourself book

“This powerful book is a must-read for you and everyone you care about. Mary Hunt provides a recipe for the art of living below your means. She is an advocate for ordinary people like you and me to do extraordinary things with our finances. 7 Money Rules for Life comes loaded with tools that are applicable to all of us as we progress toward debt-proof living. Take control of your financial future!”

Author; Mary Hunt

pages; 144

Mode; Soft copy for lifetime reading

Cost; sh 80 only

category; motivation

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13 Things that Don't make Sense

download a 100 ways to motivate yourself book
The future of science depends on identifying the things that don’t make sense. What are these 13 things?

it sound like it's one of the strangest discoveries in science. Let's find it out together, im also sooo Curious. Dear Science Enthusiasts, don't be left out!!!

Author; Michael Brooks

pages; 254

Mode; Soft copy for lifetime reading

Cost; sh 75 only

category; motivation, Scientific discoveries

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15 Success Habits

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A Summary of 10 Years Study of the Life and Ministry of Dr. David Oyedepo, resident Bishop of Faith Tabernacle, Ogun State, Nigeria, the Largest Single Church in the world, according to Guinness Book of Records

This Book is Worth Dollars of penny, But we want many people to get this message, therefore we are giving an insane discount of 80%

Author; Pastor of the largest church in the world (according to Guinness Book of record)

pages; 92

Mode; Soft copy for lifetime reading

Cost; sh 55 only

category; motivation, financial advice, and spitual habits

Get it right now from here⏬⏬⏬



597 Business ideas you can start from home

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If you are looking to turn your passions and talents into a business, this book will show you various strategies to achieve that.

If you hate your job, but don’t know how to replace the income, you will find plenty of ideas - for many different genres and skill sets

Author; Sassy Zen Girl

pages; 92

Mode; Soft copy for lifetime reading

Cost; sh 65 only

category; motivation and Business

Get it right now from here⏬⏬⏬



Act like a lady, Think like a Man

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If your man loves you, he’s willing to tell anybody

What does Men really think About love, Relationships, intimacy and Commitment???, This must be so hot πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯, let's find out... How do you act like a lady?, lol, sounds funny¿¿ ^_^

Author; Steve Harvey

pages; 242

Mode; Soft copy for lifetime reading

Cost; sh 75 only

category; motivation and Love

Get it right now from here⏬⏬⏬



The tarot of the bohemians

Absolute key to occult Science


Please, sorry, this is not actually kindly. You shouldn't read this book if you don't have strong Godly spiritual beliefs, we are actually selling it at a high price to discourage people from reading it. it will be deleted from the website in a few days

Author; Papus

pages; 269

Cost; sh 145

category; ancient studies, numbers

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Act like a Success, Think like a Success

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There’s no way you can move from a state of perishing into the Land of Promise if you don’t step up and let the world see your gift. What good is it to be a great chef if you’re afraid to let someone sample your dishes? What sense does it make to be a great speaker if you won’t let the world hear your voice?

The book opens up the part of the brain that triggers you to maximize your gift and make greatness out of it

Author; Steve Harvey

pages; 130

Mode; Soft copy for lifetime reading

Cost; sh 70 only

category; motivation and life lessons

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Alibaba- The House that Jack Ma Built

ALIBABA- The House that Jack Ma Built

The house that Jack built is home to the largest virtuals shopping mall in the world. Alibaba became the most valuable Internet company in the world after Google, its shares worth more than Amazon and eBay combined.

Come up with an idea, make it fun, and breathe something into it which otherwise is still just an idea. That’s Jack Magic.

let's discover more about Jack Ma achievements especially on Building this Multi Billionaire company, his story is definitely inspiring!!!

Author; " "

pages; 261

Mode; Soft copy for lifetime reading

Cost; sh 75 only

category; motivation

Get it right now from here⏬⏬⏬



Awaken The Giant Within

download Awaken the Giant within Motivation

We all have dreams... We all want to believe deep down in our souls that we have a special gift, that we can make a difference, that we can touch others in a special way, and that we can make the world a better place.......

Discover; the force that shapes the power, How to get what you really want, personal compass and many more from this book!!!!!!
  Author; Anthony Robbins

pages; 378

category; motivation

Cost; Sh 75 only



As a Man Thinketh

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ALL that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts,

Get to learn the amazing great Connection between Deeds, Character, and Destiny

Author; James Allen

pages; 378

Mode; Soft copy for lifetime reading

Cost; sh 70 only

category; motivation

Get it right now from here⏬⏬⏬



Awakening The 3rd Eye

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My Maths teacher taught me 3 Dimensions, i use the same skill to teach my Students in Countacy Mathematics forum. Let's now leave 3D, life and everywhere we go teaches us how to use our 2 eyes,

This book will make you realize that you've got a 3rd eye that opens the inner most part of The Brain. Don't be left out, let's go get it

Author; Clairvision

pages; 280

Mode; Soft copy for lifetime reading

Cost; sh 70 only

category; motivation

Get it right now from here⏬⏬⏬



Before You Quit Your Job!!!!

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This is a book about entrepreneurship, written by most successful entrepreneurs who have experienced the ups and downs, the successes and failures, of the real world. Today The Rich Dad Company is an international business with products in forty-four different languages, doing business in over eighty countries. But it all started as a company of a wife and husband.

Anyone looking forward to Thrill in the Business World Should Consider Purchasing this Book without a Second Thought!!!!!!

Author; Robert T.Kiyosaki + Sharon L Lechter

pages; 274

Mode; Soft copy for lifetime reading

Cost; sh 80 only

category; motivation and Business

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Blue Ocean Shift Beyond Competing

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How do you move your organization from market competing to market creating

Let's get into the theoretical Science of Business

Author; W. Chan Kim and RenΓ©e Mauborgne

pages; 266

Mode; Soft copy for lifetime reading

Cost; sh 60 only

category; motivation, Business and life skills

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read peoples thoughts by just looking at them

The Mouth might lie, but gestures will never lie. They directly disclose what's in the mind unconsciously. Let's Get to learn this in Details, you should be able to read people's intentions and thoughts by just looking at them.

Author; Allan Pease

pages; 148

Cost; sh 75 only

category; motivation, Sociology and life skills

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Create uncontested Market Space

Blue ocean strategy, create uncontested Market Space

Do you wish to create Uncontested Market space and make Competition irrelevant?? Definitely, this book is here to guide you in that

pages; 342

Cost; sh 70 only

category; motivation and Business

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Find your Success Code; Born to Win

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If I could recommend only two books to help you become more, do more, and have more, the first would be the Bible; the second is Born to Win. This masterpiece makes it clear why Zig Ziglar has been the world’s great motivator for five decades(50 years). you'll never regret having this Book

pages; 142

Cost; sh 80 only

category; motivation and Success

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Breakthrough Advertising

download Breakthrough Advertising book

As the title Suggests, Breakthrough. This book has been used by men who were not in the business of advertising at all, to make more monev than most of us ever dream of accumulating.

Try it out

pages; 239

Cost; sh 70 only

category; motivation and marketing Strategies

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Success in Marriage

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Success in all areas of life is God's will for you. But it does not come by chance, neither is it an accidental occurrence.

pages; 117

Cost; sh 45 only

category; motivation, life skills and Marriage

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Chase the Lion

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If you feel as if life has caused you to shrink the size of your dreams, this book is for you!”,

pages; 209

Cost; sh 75 only

category; motivation and inspirational

Get it right now from here⏬⏬⏬



Company of one

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pages; 151

Cost; sh 60 only

category; motivation and BUSINESS

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CONTAGIOUS; Why Things Catch on

Contagious; why things catch on


pages; 217

Cost; sh 45 only

category; motivation and life skills

Get it right now from here⏬⏬⏬



Dark Psychology🧠🧠

Dark psychology Motivational books

Learn powerful manipulation techniques to control people’s minds.; also Get a deep understanding of how brainwashing, hypnosis, persuasion, and deception work. Psychological tricks!!!

pages; 116

Cost; sh 70 only

category; Psychological tricks motivation and Social Skills

Get it right now from here⏬⏬⏬



Dealing with the Elephant

Dealing with the Elephant

Wondering how to deal with so many great Challenges?? This book is for you

pages; 197

Cost; sh 45 only

category; motivation

Get it right now from here⏬⏬⏬



Think Like A Champion

Thinking like a Champion

Thinking has so much to do with Success. let's find out the Secrets of Champions in Thinking!!!

pages; 220

Cost; sh 75 only

category; motivation, inspiration and Business

Get it right now from here⏬⏬⏬



Emotional intelligence 🧠🧠

Emotional intelligence Book

It is with the heart that one sees rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. This book gave me Million Dollar knowledge on the Science of Emotions. Are you a Verocious reader who would like to have a deep scientific understanding of Emotions??? The book is here for you!!!!

pages; 660

Cost; sh 80 only

category; Psychology, intelligence and motivation

Get it right now from here⏬⏬⏬



Exactly what to say

Exactly what to say book

pages; 93

Cost; sh 45 only

category; Social Skills, motivation an Business

Get it right now from here⏬⏬⏬



5 Toxic people you Should avoid

5 Toxic people Successful people avoid

If your friend is in either of this Categories, run away. He/she is killing your dream!!!!. let's find out this 5 categories!!!

pages; " few"

Cost; sh 35 only

category; life skills, motivation

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